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God Who Is _________

Writer's picture: A Right HeartA Right Heart

"God Who Is ________." Kate Foster

It has been a few years since I was introduced to the practice of searching for God in every passage of Scriptures. Such a simple exercise that so drastically changed the way I read and even pray.

This morning I wanted to share the list I pulled from my favorite passage in the Bible. Psalms 139 is a cornerstone for my faith. This is the chapter that God used to open my eyes to His presence and intimacy in my life. As a proof seeking 3rd generation christian who was busy wearing false masks and hiding doubts, I found myself on a missions trip in NYC. We spent the days witnessing to people in parks, running VBS, and leading worship in our host church… and I was struggling. I had been for a years. Was God real? Did He really care? How could I return to the childlike faith that had brought me to salvation as a kid?

And then Sunday morning in a hard wooden pew, my Bible fell open to this now worn chapter in my Bible.

“O Lord, Thou has searched me and known me…”

Something clicked in my mind as I read and BELIEVED that I was never out of God’s presence. That He was somehow intimately aware of Kate from Spencerport. The painfully shy, not especially talented, mediocre me. Even me!

I’m so thankful for a God who sat with me in my quiet search and faithfully revealed His character to my heart.

So today I chose to share this favorite chapter with you all and give you a homework assignment. Will you take your favorite chapter or passage and ask yourself as you read, “Where is God in this?”

And as you look for Him, you will find Him.

You’ll find Him in the accounts of blind and leprous men being healed. You’ll find Him in the Psalms and prayers and cries of fearful and thankful men living through impossible circumstances. You’ll find Him in whole books of the Bible where His name isn’t mentioned once. He is there, He is orchestrating, He is present, and He wants to be found. He wants to be known.

So look. Start today, and let the reality of His character fill you with hope. Here’s what has worked for me:

  1. Take a chapter, and within each verse or thought ask yourself, “Where is God in this?” “What does this verse tell me about His character?”

  2. Write it down.

  3. Read it out loud.

  4. Pray it back to God and thank Him for who He is and will be forever!

I hope this exercise fills you with confidence in God’s faithfulness like it has for me! I’ve attached my list from the other day in case you needed a jump start. I’d love to see yours!

Psalms 139

He is God who...

Searches and knows man’s heart, soul and thoughts.

From His throne in Great Heights, is intimately aware and able to discern my thoughts and intentions.

Is acquainted with all my ways.

Knows my sitting and my rising.

Surrounds my days and decisions.

Is aware of all my choices.

Knows my every word, spoken and unspoken.

Is a guard for my back and a guide for my front.

Hems me in, and laid His hand on me.

Is inescapable.

Provides His presence everywhere.

Leads and holds with His hand, even when I try to flee.

Is overseeing my “now” and yet is WITH me in it.

Is the Divine Creator and Source of life.

Expertly and purposefully knit me together in my mother’s womb.

Holds the book of my days.

Is the Author of events and moments.

Is the Purpose Giver

Directs His thoughts towards man. They are vast and harder to number than grains of sand.

Has a great name, and it should be handled with honor.

Is able to search and KNOW hearts and test them.

Can discern and alert of wickedness in the inward place.

Is the Sanctifier.

Leads in the eternal ways.

He is God who is present, all knowing, and gentle. He has never missed a thing.

Thank you God for your attributes. Thank you for reminding me of the Truth of goodness and sovereignty. Thank you for showing Your care for me through the accounts and testimonies of those gone before me. Thank you for never leaving me alone. You are good and kind, and I can trust You.

And I will sing of the goodness of God,

Kate Foster

ARH Staff Writer

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1 Comment

Barbara Worden
Barbara Worden
Mar 16, 2021

This exercise was incredible. When I finished, I actually had words for my prayer that would bring Glory to His name and would please Him by purely worshipping who He is.

A God who will always “lean in“ to my life. A God who is perfect, good, upright and flawless. Jehovah with a heart so full of lovingkindness that he hears me and lifts my heart out of the ashes. A God who has WILLINGLY come along side me to teach me His ways.

This exercise also gave me a chance to remember all the times I’ve seen the Lord work powerfully in my favor. He never stops watching over me and He’s constantly redefining my future.

Thank you for…

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